Failures of Japanese dolls emoji 🎎

3rd March is hina-matsuri (雛祭り; Doll's Day) in Japan. There is an emoji for hina-matsuri: 🎎 JAPANESE DOLLS. I'm satisfied with the JAPANESE DOLLS emoji which Google ships, but some vendors unfortunately ship uncomfortable emoji for it. Let me explain.

If you were going to draw new emoji for JAPANESE DOLLS, you would search for images of JAPANESE DOLLS with Google Images. Please try it:

You'll see some kind of Japanese dolls, but most of them are NOT for hina-matsuri. The set of dolls for hina-matsuri, called dairi-bina (内裏雛; imperial dolls), is like this:

Now, here is a Google's Japanese Dolls. (Emoji images in this article are via

Google's emoji grasps the point of dairi-bina very well. The emperor wears a crown and a scepter, and the empress wears a hair ornament and a fan. They are put on colorful tatami. Their faces are white as most of traditional japanese dolls have white skin.

How about other vendors' emoji? This is Apple's one:

They don't have a scepter nor a fan, and their dress are weired. It looks not good, but barely recognizable as dairi-bina.

This is the Japanese Dolls emoji in Twitter:

Why the right doll wears a ribbon? The emoji lacks important features of dairi-bina. The designer might not see a real dairi-bina but only Apple's one and the result of Google Images.

If you want to make a new emoji font, please look at the real object rather than emoji by other vendors, and know cultures emoji related to. Thanks.

UPDATE: Although Google's one is the most typical image of dairi-bina, it is not the sole correct form. There are many variations of dairi-bina. There are also stand-up one, origami one, and even Mickey and Minnie Mouse's one! If you would like to see more images of dolls for hina-matsuri, search for them with this link to Google Images: