UAX #38にこんな記述が。
In Japanese, the situation is enormously more complex. Japanese has two pronunciation systems, one derived from Chinese (the on pronunciation, or Sino-Japanese), and the other from Japanese (the kun pronunciation). The kun pronunciation for a single kanji can easily be polysyllablic (e.g., ichi for 一). In essence, the on pronunciation is the Japanese way of pronouncing the Chinese word, whereas the kun pronunciation is the Japanese translation of the word.
「単漢字の訓読みはたいてい多音節です(例、イチ 一)」って、イチは音読みじゃないか。文脈から言って(中国語では一文字が一音節なのに対し、日本語では多音節となると書こうとしたのではないかと思われるので)、onをkunと書き間違えたのだろうと思う。