Coq 帰納法と余帰納法
Require Import List. Require Import Coq.Lists.Streams. Section MyStreams. Variable A : Type. CoFixpoint iterate (f : A -> A) (x : A) : Stream A := Cons x (iterate f (f x)). Fixpoint take (n : nat) (s : Stream A) : list A := match n with | O => nil | S n1 => (hd s) :: take n1 (tl s) end.
CoFixpoint unfold (B : Type) (f : B -> A * B) (b : B) : Stream A := let (a, b') := f b in Cons a (unfold B f b').
Fixpoint app (l : list A) (s : Stream A) : Stream A := match l with | nil => s | a :: l1 => Cons a (app l1 s) end.
Fixpoint drop (n : nat) (s : Stream A) : Stream A := match n with | O => s | S n1 => match s with | Cons _ s1 => drop n1 s1 end end.
Stream同士が等しいことは、 eq ではなく余帰納的に定義された述語 EqSt を使って記述する。
Theorem app_take : forall (n : nat) (s : Stream A), EqSt (app (take n s) (drop n s)) s. Proof. intros n. induction n as [|n' IH]. apply EqSt_reflex. intros s. case s; intros a s'. simpl. apply eqst. reflexivity. apply IH. Qed.
Theorem take_app : forall (l : list A) (s : Stream A), (take (length l) (app l s)) = l. Proof. induction l as [|a l' IH]. reflexivity. intros s. case s; intros a0 s0. simpl. apply f_equal. apply IH. Qed.
iterate id a が const a に等しいことの証明。これは余帰納法を使わないといけない。Stream A型を返す関数で、余再帰的に定義されているconstやiterateを簡約するには、simplを使う前に補題 unfold_Stream を使って書き換えておく必要があった。
Theorem iterate_id : forall (a : A), EqSt (iterate id a) (const a). Proof. intros a. cofix iterate_id. rewrite (unfold_Stream (iterate id a)). rewrite (unfold_Stream (const a)). simpl. apply eqst. reflexivity. apply iterate_id. Qed. End MyStreams.